Page 10 - E-Safety- SIS
P. 10

During this pandemic time, it is becoming obvious that we are living in a digital age.
        From communication to finding information, the internet has become our preferred
        choice. For children, there is no exception and It is important that children are
        educated from an early age on how to safeguard themselves especially when it come
        to an online learning platform. We are conscious at this time and set the following
        guidelines to keep our learning environment safe and secure.

                                      Specific Guidelines to the Staff

              ➢ Always use official Id’s and platforms and keep your personal accounts


                   including on

              ➢ social media.

              ➢ Don’t use a system/platform that SLT has not approved

              ➢ Make sure all students are participating and none excluded also check if the

                   students are having

              ➢ safe learning environment at home.

              ➢ Let the lessons with active participants. Include more activity or fun based


              ➢ Respect and maintain equality

              ➢ Ensure students are not overloaded and with ample breaks

              ➢ Ensure lesson are differentiated to meet the needs of all students.

              ➢ Lock the virtual classroom once everyone has entered

              ➢ Disable private learner-to-learner chat to reduce the risk of cyberbullying.

              ➢ If you need to leave the classroom for personal reasons, put all learners on

                   ‘hold’ before doing so.

              ➢ Keep student’s data confidential and never share your links to public

              ➢ In your instructions, inform parents and learners to only use their first name

                   and first initial of the

              ➢ last name when logging in. This protects their personal details and reduces

                   identification of

        E- Safety (Springdale Indian School)                                                                  10
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